K. Male'
20 Apr 2017 | Thu 00:53
Ooredoo IPO launch
Ooredoo IPO launch
Ooredoo IPO
Ooredoo success is an example of how a foreign investor can succeed: Azeema
Ooredoo shares sell for MVR 30

Maldives Monetary Authority Governor Dr. Azeema Adam says that the successes of Ooredoo Maldives show that foreign investors can succeed in the Maldives and is a shining example of that.

Speaking in Dharubaaruge, Tuesday night, in the ceremony held to launch the company’s initial public offering (IPO), Dr. Azeema said Ooredoo was a successful example of the success of the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) initiative.

She pointed that Ooredoo was competitive and that this was the reason for success.

Azeema added that companies such as Ooredoo provided new opportunities to develop the financial sector of the country, which will cause ripple effects all across the country.

Ooredoo shares sell for MVR 30 per share, with the minimum number of shares set at 50 shares, with increments of 10 shares. Ooredoo added that they will work on a first come first served basis.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Azmoon Ahmed
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