K. Male'
19 Apr 2017 | Wed 16:20
At a meeting at the Foreign Ministry ahead of the Maldives Heads of Missions Symposium 2017
At a meeting at the Foreign Ministry ahead of the Maldives Heads of Missions Symposium 2017
Heads of Missions Symposium 20
Government launches first diplomat symposium in a decade
The symposium is conducted under the theme: ‘Promoting Destination Maldives’
President Abdulla Yameen inaugurated the symposium on Wednesday
It is the first since President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s administration conducted one in 2007

The government has launched a symposium of the heads of Maldivian missions to its diplomatic partners, under the theme ‘Promoting Destination Maldives’.

President Abdulla Yameen inaugurated the symposium on Wednesday. In his inaugural speech, President Yameen said that symposium is based on bolstering international investments and development.

He had also stressed on the importance of foreign trade to the Maldivian economy. Tourism minister Moosa Zameer added that Maldivian diplomats have the most responsibility in maintaining the country’s reputation in the international community.

The symposium will continue until Thursday. It is the first since President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s administration conducted one in 2007.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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