K. Male'
19 Apr 2017 | Wed 05:10
Hassan Latheef prior to arrest
Hassan Latheef prior to arrest
Opposition movement
MDP Chairperson released after brief arrest
Police say gathering disbanded as it was against assembly laws
Police say no arrests were made
President Nasheed condemned the disbandment

MDP Chairperson Hassan Latheef has been released following his arrest.

He was arrested during the gathering held Tuesday night in front of MDP offices on Sosun Magu. A Jumhooree Party activist was also arrest but released later on.

No warning was given prior to disbanding the gathering. Police had disrupted the gathering and used pepper spray. Eleven were treated in ADK for various injuries.

Senior figures at the opposition movement were in the gathering.

Former President Nasheed had expressed concern over the disbandment and the use of force in the process. He also said that disbanding political activities was done to stifle democracy in the Maldives.



Police said they had disbanded the gathering as it was held against the laws on assembly. No other details were given.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ahmed Muhsin
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