K. Male'
19 Apr 2017 | Wed 04:57
Presidents Maumoon and Yameen prior to PPM split
Presidents Maumoon and Yameen prior to PPM split
PPM in crisis
Ethics Committee suspended, decision invalid: President Maumoon
Saud is still a member
Laws dictate that if the grounds are invalid, decisions are the same
PPM President is still President Maumoon

PPM Elected President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has stated that the suspended Ethics Committee of the Party has no legal grounds and therefore, any decisions made by that Committee were invalid.

In a tweet posted Tuesday evening, President Maumoon said that “the said Ethics Committee is a suspended one.” He said that any decisions made by them is invalid.

Referring to the dismissal of Vilingili Constituency MP Saud Hussain from PPM, President Maumoon said that Saud was still a member of PPM and commended him for his work.



The very same Ethics Committee had also booted President Yameen, Thulusdhoo Constituency MP Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim, Maduvvari Constituency MP Mohamed Ameeth, Dhiggaru Constituency MP Faris Maumoon and other figures who are critical of the Yameen administration.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ahmed Muhsin
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