K. Male'
19 Apr 2017 | Wed 00:26
Member of opposition meets UN resident coordinator
Member of opposition meets UN resident coordinator
Opposition movement
Can only conduct political discussions with UN participation: opposition
PPM President is Maumoon, he will choose representatives for PPM
Doubts over Govt. sincerity: Ibu
Discussions will be held with UN participation

Opposition Parties have stated that discussion and dialogue with political parties’ can proceed ahead with UN participation.

Speaking to press after meeting with UN Resident Coordinator Shoko Noda on Tuesday, Jumhooree Party Leader Qasim Ibrahim said that his Party had no intention of treating the talks as a joke. He said in the meeting the UN Resident Coordinator was briefed on the current situation in the Maldives. Qasim added that he had communicated that the Party discussions can be held as an impetus to resolve the issues.

However, he said the Government must see the discussions as a serious one and one that involved the UN.

As such, the members of the opposition said that former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom was still the President of the divided Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) and therefore he has the right to choose the representatives from the Party. Otherwise, he said, the opposition will not join the discussions.

MDP Parliamentary Group Leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (Ibu), PPM Maumoon faction member and Dhiggaru Constituency MP Faris Maumoon, Adhaalath party Deputy Leader Ali Zahir and Jumhooree Party Deputy Leader Abdullah Riyaz attended the meeting along with Qasim Ibrahim.

Ibu said that MDP always welcomed discussions, adding that they have to be constructive and result oriented. However, he said given the past actions, the opposition had grave doubts over the sincerity of the Government.

Faris echoed similar sentiments, stating that the Government had no room to demand vetting for Party representatives. Choosing a representative, he said was well within the rights of the respective Party.

Ali Zahir added that they had stressed on the challenges and obstructions placed on the Parties and political figures by the Government. He said that they will continue to hold meetings with High Commissions and Embassies of various nations in the coming days over the situation in the Maldives.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ahmed Muhsin
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