K. Male'
18 Apr 2017 | Tue 15:41
Photograph from the 2017 academic year opening: the girl reportedly been assaulted in her class
Photograph from the 2017 academic year opening: the girl reportedly been assaulted in her class
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Violence in Schools
14-yo suicide survivor is making a recovery: IGMH
Officials at the hospital confirmed that she had been admitted and is making a full recovery
The 14-year-old had been subject to physical assault from her schoolmates

The Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) have confirmed that the 14-year-old girl who had attempted to commit suicide is in stable condition.

Officials at the hospital said on Tuesday that she had been admitted to the hospital and is making a recovery.

The news surfaced after her sister made a post over the context of the attempted suicide. Insha Ahmed said on her Facebook account that her sister had been bullied by her school mates and was on that particular day subject to having liquid bleach thrown on her clothes.

Insha Ahmed's post on her Facebook account

Insha had raised concern over the school’s seemingly inadequate acknowledgment of the gravity of her sister’s situation, as she described it.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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