K. Male'
17 Apr 2017 | Mon 22:41
Hamna Abdul Rahman
Hamna Abdul Rahman
National Netball team
Hamna chosen as captain of National Netball team
Hamna previously served as Vice Captain in 2015
Tournament will begin on May 6th

Hamna Abdul Rahman (Hanna) has been appointed as Captain for the National Netball team for the Youth Netball Association Championship, slated for next month in Korea.

Hamna previously served as Vice Captain for the team in the same Championship in 2015.

Netball Association President Aminath Shaazlee said that Hamna was a talented player and a team player. She said the newly appointed Captain was a hardworking player, adding that she hoped Hamna and her team will bring in victories in this tournament.

Hanaan Hussain has been appointed as the Vice-Captain.

Aminath Haleem (Dhil) reprises her role as Coach, with Luna Moosa serving as her assistant.

The local side will depart to Korea on the 3rd of next month.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Azmoon Ahmed
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