K. Male'
16 Apr 2017 | Sun 23:04
Zaidhul Ameen attends Court on Sunday
Zaidhul Ameen attends Court on Sunday
Zaidhul Ameen’s arrest
Zaidhul Ameen transferred to house arrest
Remand extended for the eighth time
Charges raised on an unrelated issue
Second transfer to house arrest in three months

Malé City Council Member Zaidhul Ameen has been transferred back to house arrest, this time under a 15-day remand.

The charges raised against him are wholly unrelated to the charges under which he was arrested on.

Zaidhul Ameen was arrested on January 13th, on allegations that he had tried to blackmail a Judge. His remand has been extended eight times since then.

Lawyer Mahfooz Saeed said that while Zaidhul Ameen was arrested on charges of trying to blackmail a Judge, it was later amended to state that he was trying to wiretap certain individuals.

He added that charges against his client were revised for a third time, to obstruction charges under clause 533, subsection (a) (1) of the Penal Code.

Mahfooz said that this showed that the Prosecutors did not have a concrete charges against his client, adding that his initial arrest was on false grounds as well.

Zaidhul Ameen had previously stated that Police had tried to get a statement from him, stating that President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom was involved in illegal activities against the Government.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Azmoon Ahmed
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