K. Male'
14 Apr 2017 | Fri 22:00
Jumhooree Party Deputy Leader Ameen Ibrahim
Jumhooree Party Deputy Leader Ameen Ibrahim
Opposition movement
President Yameen has a personal agenda on political rivals: Ameen
Qasim, Maumoon vital in nation building
Parliament Members had engaged in illegal activities
MPs risked losing political future

Jumhooree Party Deputy Leader Ameen Ibrahim has stated that President Abdullah Yameen had a personal agenda against his political rivals, as evident from before.

Speaking in RaajjeTV’s “60 minutes, he said that President Yameen did not have the mettle to contest in elections, a trait he had repeated since his election as President. Ameen added that President Yameen had taken punitive action against any rival, both current and potential. All the charges raised against political figures, Ameen noted were politically motivated.

He said that almost all of the Parliamentarians from PPM were elected to their seats with the assistance of President Maumoon and JP Leader Qasim Ibrahim.

Ameen also severely criticized the Parliamentarians for constantly breaching the Constitution on the orders of the Government. He said some of these Parliamentarians have come to realize the error of their ways. This, Ameen said was a sentiment that had been observed within the Government and State, as evident from the decision passed by the Court not to hold Qasim Ibrahim in detention for the duration of the trial.

Stating that most of the people within the Yameen administration lacked the will to work with the President, warned that many of them will not have a political career to return back to.

Ameen called on all heads of independent institutions and state institutions to revert back to the Constitution.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Raajjemv
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