K. Male'
14 Apr 2017 | Fri 01:47
Aalaa Ibrahim Rasheed: MBC to press charges against her
Aalaa Ibrahim Rasheed: MBC to press charges against her
Crackdown on free press
Broadcom to file suit against ex-employee of RaajjeTV
Alaa fined under Defamation bill
Fasaahath had declined to comment
RaajjeTV maintains the fine is a direct action against journalists

Broadcasting Commission has submitted suit in Police against former journalist at RaajjeTV, Aalaa Ibrahim Rasheed over unpaid fines. Aalaa was fined under the Anti-Defamation and Freedom of Expression Act by MVR 50,000.

A letter sent on the 12th of this month to Aalaa, said that she was fined by MVR 50,000 under clause 10 (b) of the bill after being reviewed by the Commission. MBC said that in three news bulletins broadcast on November 19, 2016, regarding a rape case, the details of the alleged rapist. The details were as reported by the family of the raped individual. The letter noted that Aalaa had failed to pay the fine within the 30-day period.

Therefore, MBC said the case has been forwarded to Police for further investigation and criminal prosecution by Prosecutor General’s Office.

Responding to the allegations Aalaa said that she had tried to get a comment from Fasaahath Hussain, a senior official of Gender Ministry based in Addu City, without any success. She said that this had been reported as well.

Aalaa further stressed that Broadcom had not given her an opportunity to respond to the allegations prior to fining her by the amount.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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