K. Male'
12 Apr 2017 | Wed 22:33
Qasim Ibrahim after his release on Wednesday, 12th April 2017
Qasim Ibrahim after his release on Wednesday, 12th April 2017
Opposition Prosecution
Qasim Ibrahim's hearing scheduled for Thursday
Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim's hearing has been scheduled for Thursday
Qasim is being charged with bribery, attempts to influence the conduct of a public official, and trying to sway a voter
The hearing is scheduled for 11:30 am

The hearings against Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim have been scheduled for Thursday.

Qasim is being charged with bribery, attempts to influence the conduct of a public official, and trying to sway a voter.

The hearing is scheduled for 11:30 am.

The allegations say that he had attempted to alter the results of the no-confidence vote against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh – held on March 27th – and another motion against deputy speaker Moosa Manik.

Though the vote against Manik was scheduled, it was dismissed after the parliament passed an amendment to the minimum number of signatures that a motion should have.

The police arrested Qasim on Thursday and the Criminal Court had remanded him for a week the following day. However, the High Court has ruled that Qasim’s arrest is a violation of the parliamentary privileges act, and ordered his release.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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