K. Male'
11 Apr 2017 | Tue 22:55
Party's meet HRCM on Qasim's case
Party's meet HRCM on Qasim's case
Opposition movement
Opposition updates international parties regarding political situation
Met with UN Resident Coordinator
Shared information about Qasim Ibrahim’s arrest

The opposition reform movement has begun to share information about the current political situation and the movement with international parties.

Former Parliament Speaker and Henveyru North Constituency MP Abdullah Shahid said that the movement initiated by MDP, AP, JP and PPM Maumoon faction was one to restore democracy to the nation.

Shahid said they will hold meetings with Ambassadors residing in the Maldives and representatives residing in Sri Lanka as part of this.

Shahid added they had met UN Resident Coordinator on Tuesday, briefed on the current situation, including the illegal arrest and detention of MP Qasim Ibrahim as well as the new cases filed against former President Mohamed Nasheed. He noted the various pressures on media, Parliament and government influence on judiciary.

So far the opposition has filed their complaints with Amnesty, HRCM and shared their concerns with European Union, Canada, Norway, Switzerland and USA. Most of the nations had released statements expressing their concerns and calling on the Government to implement democracy and allow for freedom of media and expression.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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