K. Male'
10 Apr 2017 | Mon 16:36
Raudha Athif's father with lawyers
Raudha Athif's father with lawyers
Raudha’s death
Raudha’s family files suit in Bangladeshi Court against Seerat Parveen
Case filed by father Dr. Mohamed Athif
Case accepted by Rajshahi Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Court
Seerat is the prime suspect listed in case

Raudha Athif's family has filed a case against Seerat Parveen Mahmud in a Bangladeshi court over her death .

The case was filed in Rajshai Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Court by her father Dr. Mohamed Athif. The case has been accepted for prosecution by the court.

The case documents state that “she [Raudha] was strangulated while she was sitting in the chair, assailants did it from behind her or she was strangulated outside the room and later brought to the room and kept at a lying position on her bed”.

Furthermore, the case documents note there were significant discrepancies between the statements given by the Rajshahi Police, Seerat Parveen, her autopsy. It also notes the missing CCTV footage, missing users from Raudha’s Instagram account accessed after her death from her iPhone and the attempts to present her death as a suicide.


Raudha Athif with Seerat Parveen a few days before her death


Therefore, the family had requested the court to press charges against Seerat Parveen as she is the key suspect in Raudha’s death.

The family, since day one, had consistently asserted that she was not the type of person to commit suicide.

READ MORE: Raudha’s death: a father’s unanswered questions

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
- comment
7 years ago
I support the efforts to finding out what happened to Raudha, but this case built up against Seerat, with murder charges and all, this is ridiculous. There's no room for her to confess as an accomplice, whether coerced or complicit, and there's no room for her to not have been the murderer according to these charges; Seerat herself could not possibly have removed the CCTV footage and the Instagram followers can easily be explained by blocking/unblocking, not to mention from the description of how the handprints were on Raudha's neck according to her father, it was a left handed strangle. How could Seerat possibly be strong enough to strangle from behind with a left hand and also pull a cord around her neck, as so described by her father? This case has way too many loopholes to jump straight to murder charges and if Seerat has a halfway decent lawyer she'd counter sue for targeted harrassment and discreditation, and this whole thing could fall apart with no answers. I bet they so easily accepted this case for prosecution because they know it won't hold up at all. I'm glad they're taking action, but I wish they'd ask the right questions and file the right charges. Seerat was clearly an accomplice, but the CCTV cameras belong to the school does it not?