K. Male'
10 Apr 2017 | Mon 13:08
Dhiggaru Constituency Member of Parliament Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Dhiggaru Constituency Member of Parliament Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Opposition movement
Last minute amendments are a sign of progress: Faris
Cannot put the amendments on agenda
Govt. hesitant of the progress made

Dhiggaru Constituency Member of Parliament Ahmed Faris Maumoon says the recently proposed amendments to the procedures on no-confidence motions are a clear sign that the government is more than aware of the developments made by the opposition reform movement.

He made the statement in reference to the Government’s intentions to amend parliament procedures, which had proposed that any no confidence motion on the speaker can only be submitted with the signatures of 42 MPs.

In a press conference Sunday night in M. Kunooz, headquarters of opposition partner Jumhooree Party (JP), MP Faris notes the opposition movement had gained traction following the March 27 vote on the Speaker, with the political sphere rapidly changing. Noting the Government was conducting unconstitutional acts, he said this was all done to bar the opposition from carrying out their mandate.

Faris added the proposed amendment was put in place solely because the government realized the progress for the opposition. He reiterated that the opposition will not cease their efforts.

MP Faris noted the amendment brought forward by the General Committee only served to protect the Speaker and his Deputy. Therefore, he said it was imperative that the two did not sit in the sessions during the proceedings on Monday.

Faris added he will seek legal counsel on the issue.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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