K. Male'
09 Apr 2017 | Sun 19:15
The child's family believes the hospital had been negligent
The child's family believes the hospital had been negligent
Wrongful Death
Ministry to look into case where a four-year-old died during transportation
An official from the Health Ministry has confirmed that it has received such a report
The official said that they will review the case once they get all necessary documents and statements
Family believes that the Kulhudhuffushi Hospital had been negligent in the child's death

Ministry of Health has said it will look into the case where a child died while being transported from Kulhudhuffushi island of Haa Dhaal Atoll to Malé City.

Speaking to RaajjeMV on Sunday, an official from the Ministry confirmed that it has received a report from the Kulhudhuffushi Hospital regarding the death of four-year-old Adam Asif Hassan’s death, and that they will review the case once they obtain all the necessary documents and statements.

A few minutes after take-off from Hanimaadhoo airport on Wednesday night, the flight had to make a U-turn back to the island after the child’s heart stopped beating. By the time they reached Hanimaadhoo Health Centre, the four-year-old had already passed away.

His family said that they taken him for consultation due to a little flu and fever, but that he had not been seriously ill. His mother, Aminath Adam said that the doctor had prescribed him some medicine, and that he had not reacted well them, and that they had to return to the Kulhudhuffushi the next day. The family is from Kumundoo island of the same atoll.

Aminath said that he was kept in the ward, and then treated in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), highlighting that family members were not allowed to see him while in ICU.

According to the document the family was given afterwards, Asif ‘was thalassemic and had blood cancer', but the family noted that they were not aware of this.

His family believes that the Kulhudhuffushi Hospital had been negligent in Asif’s death, and that it had failed to give the necessary information to them.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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