K. Male'
08 Apr 2017 | Sat 05:25
MDP Parliamentary Group Leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih
MDP Parliamentary Group Leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih
Political crisis in Maldives
President Yameen accustomed to using force: Ibu
Cannot govern without public empowerment
Pepper spray used without warning

MDP Parliamentary Group Leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has stated that President Abdullah Yameen was accustomed to using force.

Speaking to raajje.mv during the ongoing protests over the arrest of Jumhooree Party Leader Qasim Ibrahim, Ibu said the President cannot hope to govern without giving out any power to the public. He said reform will be brought in but not the way the President want to. He added the changes to law will be brought in within legal means.

“He’s used to using force, the Constitution clearly states that power begins from the public, will be maintained through the public as well,” he said.

With the arrest of Qasim Ibrahim, protests have flared up across capital Male’, with the Police resorting to using pepper spray to control and disrupt the protests.

Ibu reported that Police on almost all times, had used pepper spray without warning. This statement was corroborated by Yumna Maumoon, daughter of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. She was also in the protests, along with her brother MP for Dhiggaru Constituency Ahmed Faris Maumoon.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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