K. Male'
07 Apr 2017 | Fri 14:09
Photographs from the narrow street that police isolated the press in during the protest on Thursday, April 6th, 2017
Photographs from the narrow street that police isolated the press in during the protest on Thursday, April 6th, 2017
Press Freedom
Police isolated and attacked journalists at protest
Police had indiscriminately used pepper spray on while attempting to disburse those gathered to express discontent over the arrest
Some members of the press had sustained injuries severe enough to be taken for treatment at the hospital
A reporter also said media crew were ‘attacked and strong-armed’ into a narrow street and barricaded away

Journalists and camera crew at the Jumhooree Party’s (JP) rally last night, there to cover the unrest that ensued following its leader Qasim Ibrahim arrest, were attacked and isolated.

While the police had indiscriminately used pepper spray on while attempting to disburse those gathered to express discontent over the arrest.

Raajje Television’s camera crew reported that officers had damaged their equipment as well.

“They pepper-sprayed us and even caused damage to some of our equipment, they did not seem like they wanted to show reporters a thing” Mohamed Anil, the station’s chief cameraman said.

His collegue, Adam Zareer, had also had to sought care with the ADK Hospital after sustaining minor injuries at the protests. Another journalist, with the state broadcaster Public Service Media, had also been taken to the Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital.

Police had indiscriminately used pepper spray on while attempting to disburse those gathered to express discontent over the arrest

Ahmed Azmoon, with Raajje Television, said that the journalists were ‘attacked and strong-armed’ into a narrow street and barricaded away – by officers who had formed a shield-wall – from the protest.

“They had used pepper spray on us even after isolating all the journalists together, we had our press-cards on too” Azmoon said.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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