K. Male'
06 Apr 2017 | Thu 15:24
The police in Feydhoo of Addu City disbanding supporters of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) gathered at the party’s office
The police in Feydhoo of Addu City disbanding supporters of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) gathered at the party’s office
Opposition Protests
Police deems opposition gatherings in Feydhoo unlawful
Officers had told supporters, who were watching an opposition coalition rally broadcast live from the capital, that the gathering was unlawful
They also said such activities cannot be held in the future without the permission of the Home Ministry
Supporters said they have repeatedly sought permission from the ministry’s branch in Feydhoo, to no avail

The police in Feydhoo of Addu City have disbanded supporters of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) gathered at the party’s office on Wednesday night. 

Officers had told supporters, who were watching an opposition coalition rally broadcast live from the capital, that the gathering was unlawful and such activities cannot be held in the future. 

The officers’ decision to disband the gathering is validated by the 2016 amendment to the Freedom of Assembly Act, which stipulates that protests, marches, and parades can only be held in areas designated by the police, with the written approval of the Home Ministry.

Members of the party in Feydhoo told RaajjeMV that they have repeatedly sought permission from the ministry’s branch in Feydhoo, to no avail. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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