K. Male'
06 Apr 2017 | Thu 15:05
Lawmakers have the biggest responsibility to uphold justice and stability in the nation,  the MP said
Lawmakers have the biggest responsibility to uphold justice and stability in the nation, the MP said
Opposition Rhetoric
Lawmakers must strive for common good: MP Ali Hussein
He said Islam too places a lot responsibilities on those that advocate on behalf of the people
He also advised his colleagues in parliament to be more sensitive to the consequences of their decisions
Lawmakers have the biggest responsibility to uphold justice and stability in the nation, he said

Lawmakers have the biggest responsibility to uphold justice and stability in the nation, said Kendhoo MP Ali Hussein. 

MP Hussein said at an opposition rally on Wednesday night, that Islam too places a lot responsibilities on those that advocate on behalf of the people, and in this regard called on supporters of the government to join the opposition’s reform efforts. 

His speech further advised his colleagues in parliament to be more sensitive to the consequences of their decisions. 

“We 85 members are essentially connected to a ticking bomb, with each of us given plyers to cut the wire” Hussein described “Right now, the 42-member majority supporting the government seems like it might explode”. 

MP Hussein further took a quip at President Abdulla Yameen’s campaign label, ‘The Economist’, stating that anyone who has ever studied the subject would know that it involves supplying to meet a demand. 

“Right now, the only supply to our demand for justice is complete and utter injustice” he continued. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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