K. Male'
05 Apr 2017 | Wed 14:29
The agreement was signed between Managing Director Mohamed Saiman and Mohamed Nishan, the owner of Gymnesia
The agreement was signed between Managing Director Mohamed Saiman and Mohamed Nishan, the owner of Gymnesia
Housing Development
HDC appoints developer for Hulhumalé central park
HDC signed the agreement on Sunday, to lease out a unit from the park that would be especially developed as a fitness centre
The park currently has an out-door gym
HDC is working to develop a badminton court, and other recreational facilities in the park

The Housing Development Corporation (HDC) has appointed a developer for the central park in Hulhumalé – the capital’s fast-growing larger urban extension.

HDC signed the agreement on Sunday, to lease out a unit from the park that would be especially developed as a fitness centre.

The agreement was signed between Managing Director Mohamed Saiman and Mohamed Nishan, the owner of Gymnesia.

The park currently has an out-door gym.

HDC is working to develop a badminton court, and other recreational facilities and table sports in the park.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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