K. Male'
05 Apr 2017 | Wed 05:34
Qasim Ibrahim's legal team at M. Kunooz press
Qasim Ibrahim's legal team at M. Kunooz press
Travel ban on Qasim
Travel ban issued on JP Leader Qasim Ibrahim
Travel ban imposed for one month, effective from March 29
Case forwarded to PG Office for prosecution
Legal team says Qasim’s audio sample was taken under duress

A travel ban has been imposed on Maamigili Constituency MP and Jumhooree Party Leader Qasim Ibrahim.

In a press conference held in M. Kunooz, JP Headquarters on Tuesday, Lawyer Hisaan Hussain said that Qasim was summoned to Police over allegations of offering bribes in connection to the no confidence motion on Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh. Qasim was summoned to Police on March 29th, where he was informed of the travel ban. The travel ban is imposed for a period of one month.

It has been reported the case against Qasim has been forwarded to Prosecutor General’s Office for prosecution.

Mahchangolhi North Constituency MP and lawyer Mariya Ahmed Didi said that it was unbelievable that Qasim could offer a bribe on March 29th for a vote that had been taken on the 27th of March, well after the no confidence motion was pushed through the Parliament. She said what Qasim did was in his capacity as leader of JP, adding that everyone will do everything possible to win a vote.

The legal team said that following the investigations of March 29th, the investigators had declared the case had been fully concluded. The team noted that Qasim was summoned again on April 2nd, the team claimed this was done purely to raise a charge on Qasim. As such, the team said Qasim had used his right to remain silent. However, they said Police had produced a court order ordering him to give a sample of his voice.

Lawyers add that his voice sample was taken under duress, with the threat of an obstruction charge imposed on Qasim.

Former Deputy PG lawyer Hussain Shameem said that all judicial procedures had to be completed prior to deciding that the case had been completed. However, he said the charges and the intention behind the cases were unjust, with the clear violation of procedures.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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