K. Male'
15 May 2020 | Fri 15:40
MNDF officers active in the regions where the incidents occurred
MNDF officers active in the regions where the incidents occurred
Monsoon season incidents
Strong winds in Malé rip off roofs, uproot trees
MET predicts the weather across the entire country to be adverse
Two buildings had the roofs torn off due to the strong winds
Trees fell in a total of five regions

Strong winds in the Maldives capital Malé City have damaged roofs of a few households and uprooted trees in the different regions of the capital.

The incidents were reported early Friday, and the Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) revealed that trees were uprooted from five regions due to the strong winds experienced early Friday.

Trees fell near the cemetery in Henveiru-ward of the capital, Maaveyo Magu, the Voice of Maldives, Koththu Hut near the presidential residence Muleeaage and the Villimalé Ferry Terminal.

In addition, MNDF revealed that wind storms ripped off roofs of a few households including a house in Galolhu ward and a warehouse of the State Trading Organization.

MNDF officers active in the regions on Thursday morning. Photo by MNDF

The authority has urged caution for sea travelers at a time the Maldives Meteorological Service (MET office) has predicted adverse conditions to prevail over the entirety of the country, as the monsoon season is upon the country.

The monsoon season provokes several such incidents throughout the island nation each year, and this year it falls at a time the authorities are combatting the global pandemic, Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19).

As such, MNDF has been carrying out several other operations as the country continues to place a majority of its focus on Covid-19 operations.

Several officers have been deployed to assist residents of outlying atolls experiencing the impacts of the squally weather, such as flooding.

Last updated at: 9 months ago
Reviewed by: Zihnath Hassan
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