K. Male'
05 Apr 2017 | Wed 03:26
Zaidhul Ameen with Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom
Zaidhul Ameen with Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom
Zaidhul Ameen arrest
Five days added to Zaidhul Ameen’s remand
Arrested on blackmail allegations
Zaidh says no proof on allegations

Criminal Court has once again extended the remand for Male’ City Council member Zaidhul Ameen, arrested on January 13 over blackmail charges.

His remand was last extended on March 20th, by 15 days.

He was transferred house arrest, after extending his remand by three times. Zaidhul was transferred back to Police custody on February 22nd.

He released a statement while under house arrest, stating that Police had not been able to state who he had allegedly blackmailed. Zaidhul further stressed that Police had not been able to find any evidence from his laptop and phone, both which had been confiscated by the Police.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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