K. Male'
04 Apr 2017 | Tue 14:01
Adhaalath Party's deputy leader Ali Zahir speaking at a rally on Monday night, 3rd April 2017
Adhaalath Party's deputy leader Ali Zahir speaking at a rally on Monday night, 3rd April 2017
Opposition Alliance
Opposition will attain parliamentary majority soon: AP Deputy leader
Adhaalath Party has said that the opposition would soon free lawmakers under duress and attain a majority in parliament
He called on law enforcement officers to defy unlawful orders, describing doing so as their duty
Zahir further called on authorities revoke politically motivated charges agaisnt the opposition as well

Ali Zahir, the deputy leader of the Adhaalath Party, has said that the opposition would soon free lawmakers under duress and attain a majority in parliament. 

He said at an opposition rally, attended by members of the Jumhooree Party, Maldivian Democratic Party, and the Progressive Party of Maldives’ faction loyal to former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom that the government continually threatens MPs that this was something that the public has come to realize.

“By god’s will, through this alliance’s efforts, we will untether MPs that have been oppressed and constrained by the government, and this will be a catalyst for reform” said Zahir. 

He called on law enforcement officers to defy unlawful orders, describing doing so as their duty. 

“When the president himself takes to a podium and says that officers are selling intelligence reports, accepting bribes, and letting the promise of financial compensation influence their duty – it is him that shames the institute” Zahir added, referring to President Abdulla Yamin’s address at ceremony held to commemorate the Maldives Police Service’s (MPS) 84th anniversary.

READ MORE: Some officers act illegally, Police have to be an example to all: Pres. Yameen

Zahir further called on authorities revoke politically motivated charges as well. 

READ MORE: Opposition parties condemn new wave of harassment

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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