K. Male'
03 Apr 2017 | Mon 02:19
Gaaf Alif Vilingili Constituency MP Saud Hussain
Gaaf Alif Vilingili Constituency MP Saud Hussain
People Megazine
MP Saud joins opposition
MP Saud defects from Yameen faction to the opposition
Opposition says other MPs will join them soon
Saud defined former President’s as the biggest assets
Cannot denigrate Maumoon’s service

Gaaf Alif Vilingili Constituency MP Saud Hussain has defected to the opposition from President Yameen’s PPM faction.

Thulusdhoo Constituency MP Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim had confirmed the news in a tweet.

MP Waheed’s tweet read that MP Saud Hussain had joined the reform movement started by President Maumoon, President Mohamed Nasheed, Qasim Ibrahim and Imran Abdullah.



Raajje.mv understands that MP Saud was in discussions with MP Faris Maumoon, son President Maumoon, and his team. The discussions were held in Citron for about two hours. Maduvvari Constituency MP Mohamed Ameeth and MP Waheed were in this meeting as well.


His defection came after he had expressed his sentiments over the role of former Presidents, defining them as the biggest asset for any nation.


READ MORE: Maldivians need to respect former leaders: MP Saud


MP Saud said in a tweet on Friday night that that if said leaders are not ‘respected today, they will not be respected tomorrow’.

His tweet had been attached with photographs of former presidents Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Mohamed Nasheed, and Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik.

While Saud’s tweet advocates so, Yameen faction’s deputy leader MP Abdul Raheem Abdulla has called to propose that allowances and benefits conferred to former presidents be slashed. Such a proposal is yet to enter parliament.

Saud tweeted earlier on Sunday, that the services rendered by the former President cannot be erased.



MP Saud of late had been critical of the Government. Raajje.mv understands that MP Saud was ready to vote in favor of the no confidence motion vote on Speaker Abdullah Maseeh.

It is rumored that more Members of Parliament will soon join the opposition.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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