K. Male'
01 Apr 2017 | Sat 22:53
MP Umar Hussein (second-from-right)
MP Umar Hussein (second-from-right)
MP Bribery Charges
Pro-government MP asked to testify over bribery probe
Pro-government MP Umar Hussein has been summoned to police for testimony in an investigation into ‘opposition attempts to bribe’ parliamentarians
MP Hussein was summoned for his testimonial on the case, he himself is not directly involved
The police’s media official declined to comment

Pro-government MP Umar Hussein has been summoned to police for testimony in an investigation into ‘opposition attempts to bribe’ his colleagues in parliament.

A credible source told RaajjeMV on Saturday that the ruling coalition’s Maldivian Development Alliance (MDA) parliamentarian was summoned on Thursday, 30th March, 2017. 

The same source said while Hussein was summoned for his testimonial on the case, he himself is not directly involved. 

The police’s media official declined to comment, and MP Hussein could not be reached on his mobile phone, which was switched off at the time of publishing. 

Hussein has been loyal to the policies issued by the ruling coalition, of which the only other partner is the divided Progressive Party of Maldives’ faction loyal to President Abdulla Yameen. 

As such, in Monday’s vote of no-confidence against parliament speaker, he had voted against the motion. 

MP Qasim Ibrahim, leader of the opposition Jumhooree Party leader, had been summoned for questioning over allegations of bribery and intimidation.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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