K. Male'
01 Apr 2017 | Sat 03:40
Anas speaking to press after Police session
Anas speaking to press after Police session
Crackdown on political figures
Summoned to Police over a tweet: Anas
Calls to gather is not a crime

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Secretary General Anas Abdul Sattar has revealed that he was summoned to Maldives Police Service (MPS) over a tweet he posted.

Speaking to press after attending the session, Anas said he was summoned for having called out to public to gather near Police when Jumhooree Party (JP) Leader Qasim Ibrahim was summoned to Police.

Anas said that such messages had been sent before but this issue had not risen before. Anas noted that this time this was made into a huge issue as the four leaders of the main parties had banded together against the Government, presenting a formidable coalition.

Hisaan Hussain, his legal representation, said calling for members of public to gather in a certain location was not a crime. She said the Government reaction to this was a sign of their precarious position.

Hisaan further highlighted on the Government’s abuse of state institution for political purposes; a concern recently raised by former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

READ MORE: President Maumoon calls for an end to abuse of state institutions for political gain

Government had increased crackdowns on political figures in light of the new coalition banded together for national reform.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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