K. Male'
31 Mar 2017 | Fri 23:03
Progressive Party of Maldives PPM Office
Progressive Party of Maldives PPM Office
Mohamed Sharuhaan
PPM in crisis
Police orders to remove PPM name board, flag from Maumoon faction premises
Civil Court ordered to halt all activities run by Maumoon faction using PPM name
Police warns to remove all before 1800hrs Friday
Police say they will not be responsible for any damages

Maldives Police Service (MPS) has ordered the flags and name board at PPM’s Maumoon faction offices before 1800hrs Friday.

An order issued by Police on PPM President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom said that PPM flag and logo cannot be used under PPM President’s name. Additionally, the order said the faction cannot use the Party name to hold any activities.



Police added that they will remove the boards and flags if necessary and will not be held responsible for any damages during the process.

The warning came after Civil Court issued an order, late Thursday night, which stated that PPM’s Maumoon faction had essentially violated the Civil Court decree that handed over Party administration to President Abdullah Yameen. The order said that President Maumoon had constantly used PPM logo, flag, run activities using PPM’s name and running a branch, in spite of not having any legal rights to do so.

Therefore, Civil Court had ordered MPS to shut down the offices at H. Themaa, take down the Party flag at the premises. Additionally, Civil Court had ordered any activities using the Party name, logo and flag will be halted immediately.

The offices of Maumoon faction was created in October 2016, after President Yameen’s faction had taken over all assets and powers of the Party.

The move comes after President Maumoon was removed as a member of the Party by the Yameen faction’s Ethics Committee. Maumoon asserts that the Committee has no legal standing to do so.



Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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