K. Male'
31 Mar 2017 | Fri 19:47
The 20-year-old student was found dead in her room on Wednesday
The 20-year-old student was found dead in her room on Wednesday
Raudha's Death
Raudha Athif's family decides to forgo autopsy
Raudha Athif’s family has decided to forgo an autopsy
The 20-year-old medical student was found dead in her room on Wednesday
The Islamic Medical College Hospital has ruled her death a suicide

Raudha Athif’s family has decided to forgo an autopsy and asked that her body be prepared for transport.

The 20-year-old medical student, with the Islami Bank Medical College in Bangladesh, was found dead in her room on Wednesday. 

The Islamic Medical College Hospital has ruled her death a suicide. 

Read More: Hospital rules Raudha's death a suicide: Bangladeshi police to RaajjeMV

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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