K. Male'
31 Mar 2017 | Fri 17:06
MP Abdulla Shahid at Thursday night's rally
MP Abdulla Shahid at Thursday night's rally
LCE 2017
'We have the backing of every party': MP Abdulla Shahid
The opposition now has the backing of every politician ‘whose anybody’, Shahid said
The MUO is a joint opposition effort between MDP, AP (Adhaalath Party), JP (Jumhooree Party) and former senior members of government
Parties aligned with this effort have last week signed an agreement with one faction of the ruling PPM

The opposition now has the backing of every politician ‘whose anybody’, said former parliament speaker Abdulla Shahid.

At a Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) campaign rally, to garner support for the upcoming local council elections, Shahid expressed his confidence that the Maldives United Opposition (MUO) would defeat President Abdulla Yameen in ‘every upcoming election’.

“We now have an army backing us, this effort, that was first fully yellow, now has the backing of every political party in this country” he said.

MP Shahid further said that the opposition has two primary functions: to guarantee citizens their rights and to hold the government accountable.

He added that the government does not have the trust of the people, and neither do the people respect the government.

The MUO is a joint opposition effort between MDP, AP (Adhaalath Party), JP (Jumhooree Party) and former senior members of government.

Parties aligned with this effort have last week signed an agreement with the divided Progressive Party of Maldives' faction loyal to former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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