K. Male'
31 Mar 2017 | Fri 04:03
March 30, 2017: Opposition coalition press conference
March 30, 2017: Opposition coalition press conference
United opposition
Parties to contest 2018 Presidential elections jointly
Discussions on jointly contesting Local Council, Parliament Elections

Hinnavaru Constituency MP Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (Ibu) says the joint opposition was considering the ways to which they can contest the 2018 Presidential elections.

Speaking in the press conference held by the united opposition, Ibu said the plan was going according to the way it was laid out by the four leader. He said the team was now deliberating on the ways the opposition can contest in the upcoming Local Council and Parliament Elections.

Ibu added that the first priority for the team was to reform the Parliament and to make it into a Parliament that was truly a representation of public. He said this process will continue ahead, announcing they will submit the no confidence motion on Speaker again. He added the next time they will submit the no confidence motion with full confidence they will win the motion, whatever method used to take the vote.

Ibu marked that neither the speaker vote result nor the Parliament proceedings for the day was valid. He said this was a sign the Government had truly lost their strong holds.

Ibu further said terror charges on President Nasheed and constant summons to Police station on Jumhooree Party Leader Qasim Ibrahim, his Deputy Kimbidhoo Constituency MP Abdullah Riyaz and Dhiggaru Constituency MP Faris Maumoon were signs of this as well. However, Ibu said the opposition was determined in their initiative and not the least bit threatened over the pressure from the Government.

READ MORE: Party talks used as a ruse to halt the reform movement: opposition

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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