K. Male'
30 Mar 2017 | Thu 22:49
Press at President's Office
Press at President's Office
All Party talks
Govt. calls for a start to all-party discussions
Open to discussions, invitations extended
Do not believe the Govt. is in the wrong
No need to beg for discussions

The Government on Thursday has called on the opposition to attend the stalled all-party talks “if they had the guts to do so”, stating that President Abdulla Yameen wished to find a solution to the issues facing the nation.

Fisheries Minister Dr. Mohamed Shainee made the statement in a press conference, adding that this was an open invitation to all parties, which the opposition should accept if they dared to attend.

Dr. Shainee defended the Government against the allegations that Government was stifling the process of the discussions. He said the Government had to consistently remind the parties of the discussions.

Shainee said the Government had no fear of discussions and that the Government will always prioritize on public benefits. Shainee further called on the opposition to "engage in the discussions in a manner that did not impede development and social well-being".

This is in direct contrast to the statements made to a foreign press in January, stating that there was no such need to hold discussions with the opposition. Then he said the situation in the Maldives was calm and that the opposition will come forth if discussions need to be held.

When questioned about this, Dr. Shainee said that he meant there was no such need that warranted the Government begging to have talks with the opposition. He added that the Government was not in the wrong. If that was the case, he said the opposition was more than welcome to begin talks.

Dr. Shainee also said the talks had halted not because of disagreements with negotiators. He added that representatives for the talks have to have the backing of the Parties which they claim to be from and the Government must be given this assurance. Shainee noted that while the representative “can claim that he is the President of PPM, he may not have a real standing”.

The All-Party talks stalled following the split within the ruling PPM, after the two factions had disagreed on who the representatives for the talks would be.

The United Nations had also sent in a representative to the talks, who had departed soon after the talks stalled.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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