K. Male'
30 Mar 2017 | Thu 17:35
Opposition-aligned social media activist, Thayyib Shaheem
Opposition-aligned social media activist, Thayyib Shaheem
Amnesty International
Amnesty calls for action towards Thayyib's release
Thayyib Shaheem is an opposition social media activist
He had reportedly been behind the alleged audio leaks of PPM PG leader Nihan
Amnesty called for his immediate and unconditional release and to end the 'harassment' of the media

Amnesty International has called on its ‘Urgent Action Network’ to pursue social media activist Thayyib Shaheem’s release. 

Shaheem, whom Amnesty had previously deemed a prisoner of conscience, was arrested on March 18, on allegations of spreading 'false information' through his accounts on various social media platforms.

He has been kept in remand, with the Criminal Court having extended it by another 15 days on March 22nd, and both his and fellow activist Shammoon “Lucas” Jaleel’s phones have been confiscated.

RaajjeMV had then received credible information that he was arrested regarding a audio clips he allegedly leaked online. 

In said clips, parliament’s majority leader and pro-government MP Ahmed Nihan is heard talking about why the parliament amended the laws on foreign land ownership and it is linked to speculated sale of an entire atoll to Saudi Arabia. 

READ MORE: Full transcript of MP Nihan's leaked audio clip

“Thayyib Shaheem has been detained solely for exercising his right to freedom of expression, and therefore considers him a prisoner of conscience" Amnesty said in its first report on the matter. 

Shaheem’s lawyer described his holding cell to be in squalid conditions; mosquito-ridden with no clean water. 

In addition to asking for Shaheem’s ‘immediate and unconditional’ release, Amnesty's report called to end ‘efforts to harass or restrict’ the work of the media and other such outlets, respect laws on freedom of assembly and the right to freedom of speech.

The Urgent Action Network is founded on volunteers who take it upon themselves, when informed to take actions — through letters, emails, phone calls, faxes or tweets--on emergency cases of human rights abuses around the world. 

READ MORE: Opposition activist Thayyib arrested, still in police custody


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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