K. Male'
29 Mar 2017 | Wed 19:09
Prioritized recipients can get vaccinated at IGMH, the Maldives Blood Services, Senahiya, the hospitals in Villimalé and Hulhumalé, and ADK Hospital
Prioritized recipients can get vaccinated at IGMH, the Maldives Blood Services, Senahiya, the hospitals in Villimalé and Hulhumalé, and ADK Hospital
Mohamed Sharuhaan
H1N1 Outbreak
Health facilities set up more vaccination outlets
Health facilities have created more outlets to administer flu vaccinations from
Prioritized recipients can get vaccinated at IGMH, the Maldives Blood Services, Senahiya, the hospitals in Villimalé and Hulhumalé, and ADK Hospital
ADK Hospital is charging MVR 163 for vaccinations, while the state-operated facilities charge MVR 140. 
Last week the WHO donated 10,000 doses to the government, along with 4,000 viral transport media

Health facilities have created more outlets to administer flu vaccinations from, the Health Protection Agency (HPA) announced on Tuesday. 

The agency said that expectant mothers will still have vaccinations administered to them at the Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH), the Maldives Blood Services, Senahiya, the hospitals in Villimalé and Hulhumalé, and at the privately-owned ADK Hospital. 

HPA further said that organ recipients, patients undergoing dialysis treatment, patients with conditions that compromise the immune system, children between the ages of 6 months and 6 years-old, and the elderly can also get themselves vaccinated at the aforementioned hospitals. 

ADK Hospital is charging MVR 163 for vaccinations, while the state-operated facilities charge MVR 140. 

Last week the WHO donated 10,000 doses to the government, along with 4,000 viral transport media, and in a media statement later, said it was working to procure 30,000 more doses.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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