K. Male'
28 Mar 2017 | Tue 17:16
MPs and journalists gathered near a barricade cordoning off the parliament grounds
MPs and journalists gathered near a barricade cordoning off the parliament grounds
Ashwa Faheem
Maseeh's No-Confidence
Parliament faces international criticism over speaker vote
The governments of Canada, United States, and United Kingdom have all criticized the method of Monday's vote
The Europan Union had also called to show the public that parliamentary procedures are respected
Clauses 164 and 165 of the constitution states that roll call votes can only be taken if the electronic voting system is proven to not be functional

The governments of Canada, United States, and United Kingdom have become one of the first nations to criticize the method of voting implemented for the no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh. 

Said criticism echoes the opposition MPs' protests in Monday's parlaiment session. 

Canadian High Commissioner, Shelley Whiting, had by far released the stronger expressions of concern. In a tweet on Tuesday, she advocated respect for the seperation of powers and highlighted the imporance of adhering to procedures. 

Atul Keshap, the US ambassador to Maldives and Sri Lanka sent out a tweet earlier on Tuesday over 'irregularities that impeded a free and fair vote'. He called on the Maldivian government to restore the public's faith in democratic principles. 

Both the United Kingdom and European Union had also taken to social media to criticize the method of voting.  


In Monday’s sitting, Parliamentary Group leader of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) had proposed to carry out a roll call vote, which was quickly backed by another pro-government MP. 

Clauses 164 and 165 of the constitution stipulates that roll call votes can only be taken if and when the electronic voting system is proven to not be functional.  Otherwise vote must be taken using the electronic voting system.

However, at Monday's sitting,lawmakers voted to resort to a roll call vote through said electronic system. 

The opposition coalition has said they do not acknowledge the result of the vote, adding that any session held with Maseeh presiding over it is void. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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