K. Male'
28 Mar 2017 | Tue 15:15
 Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Mohamed Sharuhaan
PPM in crisis
Growing discontent within PPM: Faris
No resentment for MPs who voted for Maseeh
Electronic voting would have made a difference
Raised voice not just for MPs of opposition

Most of the MPs who had voted against the no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdullah Maseeh have called to continue the work carried out by the opposition, says Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon.

Speaking at a rally held in M. Kunooz Monday night by the opposition, Faris said there was no resentment against those MPs who had voted to keep Maseeh office, adding that he was well aware of their situation.

Referring to Monday’s protest on the parliament floor, MP Faris said that he had raised his voice not just for the MPs of the opposition, but also for the rights of all MPs and on behalf of those MPs who did not have a voice.

“I receive messages from the Members who took part in that roll call, vote, urging us to go ahead with this initiative. Some of them say that they are out of Male’. Will meet afterwards, make a decision. We have to free ourselves from this, it’s a must. We’re ashamed of what we have been forced to do today,” he said.

Faris further stressed that the roll call method of voting is applicable only when and if the electronic system had an error, which had not been confirmed as yet.

Faris said that he was assured that if the vote had been carried out via the electronic system, then the no confidence motion would have been won with a wide majority. He said this was possible as there were many MPs from the Government coalition ready to vote against Maseeh.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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