K. Male'
27 Mar 2017 | Mon 15:51
A man holding his child outside IGMH: most residents in the capital have begun wearing medical masks to limit chances of infection
A man holding his child outside IGMH: most residents in the capital have begun wearing medical masks to limit chances of infection
Mohamed Sharuhaan
H1N1 Outbreak
Flu outbreak is subsiding: HPA
HPA said that the number of patients seeking consultation for flu-related symptoms has lowered
It noted that the flu alert being at level three does not stipulate that schools should remain closed
HPA's most recent updates reported a fourth H1N1 positive fatality, and nine more patients positive for the strain

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) has said that the flu outbreak, which the agency announced two weeks ago, has begun to subside. 

In a letter it released on Sunday, HPA said that the number of patients seeking consultation for flu-related symptoms has lowered, and expressly noted that the flu alert being at level three does not stipulate that schools should remain closed.

The last of HPA’s daily reports on influenza treatment across the nation, posted on Saturday, reported a fourth H1N1 positive fatality, and nine more patients that were positive out of the 24 that were tested for the strain.  

READ MORE: Pregnant woman dies due to H1N1

Parents have yet to support the Education Ministry’s decision to reopen schools, which low student turnout on Sunday is indicative of. 

READ MORE: Schools open after H1N1 alert, attendance low!

The ministry had also ordered that privately-owned education institutes reconvene sessions as well. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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