K. Male'
25 Mar 2017 | Sat 21:00
Former Presidents Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Mohamed Nasheed
Former Presidents Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Mohamed Nasheed
People Megazine
Opposition Coalition
Signed agreement in nation's interest: Ex-Presidents
Maumoon and Nasheed, along with JP's Qasim and AP's Imran signed an agreement on Friday, to work together to reform government
Maumoon says he signed the agreement with the intention of reforming the nation
Nasheed said that the opposition has worked relentlessly to find common ground

Former Presidents Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Mohamed Nasheed have stated that they decided to sign the historical inter-party coalition agreement “in the interest of the nation”.

Leaders of the four major parties- Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)’s Nasheed, Jumhooree Party (JP)’s Qasim Ibrahim, Adhaalath Party’s Sheikh Imran Abdulla and Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM)’s Maumoon- entered a coalition agreement on Friday night, agreeing ‘to work jointly and together both in parliament and in the political environment,” to reform the government.

English translation of the agreement between opposition parties, signed on March 24, 2017

READ MORE: Political parties sign coalition agreement

While Maumoon signed on behalf of the ruling PPM, the party has been divided into two factions, as he continues to be involved in a public dispute over leadership with party’s chief advisor and his half-brother, incumbent President Abdulla Yameen.

In a tweet sent out late Friday night, former President Maumoon said that he signed the agreement “with the sincere intention of reforming the country, with God’s will."

His tweet comes after the Secretary-General of President Yameen's faction within PPM claimed that someone else had forged the former President's signature in the agreement signed. Maumoon's daughter, Yumna Maumoon also responded to Khaleel, saying that he did so, in accordance to the powers granted to him as party leader, after discussing it with the Council.

Maumoon withdrew support for Yameen’s administration in October 2016, a few months after the dispute started.

President Nasheed sent out a tweet on Saturday morning, highlighting the opposition’s “relentless” work in finding common ground, adding that the agreement signed on Friday “will allow [them] to steer the country onto democratic path”.




Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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