K. Male'
25 Mar 2017 | Sat 04:16
Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon speaking to press
Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon speaking to press
MP Faris Maumoon
Influential individuals pressing for arrest, will fail in attempt: Faris
This is Faris's fifth summoning to Police in three days
Full assurance this will be successful
Afraid, but will carry out responsibility

Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon has stated that some influential figures were pressing for his arrest, but that they will fail in their attempt to do so.

Speaking to press after his summons to Maldives Police Service (MPS) on Friday night, his fifth one in three days, Faris said this was pure intimidation with the no confidence motion on the Speaker looming ahead.

“However, I will fulfil my legal obligations,” he said.

Some members of PPM (Progressive Party of Maldives) have revealed that Faris was summoned to police over the 2008 audit report of Theemuge, the official residence of President.

Faris said that the allegations made against him were unclear, as the narrative changed with each summon. He added that the number of people rejecting political influences, especially in public institutions, was decreasing. He said he did not believe that in the future, institutions can be exploited for political gain.

“I do know that some influential figures want to see me arrested. However, they’re afraid of carrying it out as they know real public sentiments. This gives us hope. This is a sign that we can win this,” Faris said.

Speaking further, Faris said there were no legal grounds to arrest him, especially given that he has not committed a crime. He said he will lend full support to any and all cases being investigated on him, adding that the government will not be able to fulfill their objectives. Faris reiterated that the opposition’s endeavors will be successful.

“I’ve never said that I’m not scared. I am scared. I am really scared. However, I still have to fulfill my obligations in spite of that fear. I have to be able to sleep calmly. I’m fully aware of my beliefs and will stick to it, I will not back anything out of fear,” Faris said.

He said the effects of their work were being felt and stated that if he was not courageous in his beliefs he will be arrested as well.

The no confidence motion, put forward by Faris, is scheduled for debate on Monday.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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