K. Male'
25 Mar 2017 | Sat 03:40
Galolhu South Constituency MP Ahmed Mahloof
Galolhu South Constituency MP Ahmed Mahloof
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Mahloof
Mahloof begins hunger strike in jail
Strike began after restriction of his rights
Family says he has not been able to meet lawyer for two months
Hasn’t received adequate medical treatment

Galolhu South Constituency MP Ahmed Mahloof, currently serving a jail term, has begun a hunger strike.

Speaking to RaajjeTV, Mahloof’s spouse, Nazra Naseem said that Mahloof had started the strike as he was being deprived of the most basic rights.

As such, she said while the Constitution grants legal visitations, he had been deprived of that right for the past two months.

Nazra also said they had filed the issue in relevant agencies to no avail.

Nazra added that Correctional Services had informed that Mahloof needed special permission for visitations, which will proceed once permission is granted.

The family regretfully noted that other prisoners were granted visitations from their lawyers on a regular basis, adding that this showed how differently Mahloof was treated.

She further said Mahloof was further agitated over the inadequate medical care provided, having complained of this well. However, Nazra noted that this plea had fallen on deaf ears, with the Government deliberately restricting his access of his medical care. Due to this, his health had severely deteriorated.

Nazra said that Mahloof had begun the strike suddenly on Friday, out of desperation.

Correctional Services media official had denied that Mahloof had begun the strike and aforementioned treatment. The official said Mahoof will be granted access to meet his lawyer under the set procedures. He said Mahloof had sent in a request to meet his lawyer on Thursday, which is yet to be processed.

The official further said Mahloof had full access to medical care, under the set procedures, which had been provided to him previously.

Mahloof’s six-month jail term had been fully served by January 17th. The current four-month 24-day sentence will be completed in June.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Raajjemv
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