K. Male'
25 Mar 2017 | Sat 02:46
MP Faris
MP Faris
MP Faris Maumoon
Faris striving for citizen’s rights: Maumoon faction
Faction maintains Faris is still a member of PPM

PPM faction loyal to President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has stated that MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon was striving for citizens' rights, which was according to instructions issued by President Maumoon.

The statement issued by PPM on Friday stated that MP Faris is still a member of PPM and that his work was in line with the vision led by President Maumoon.

The statement was released by the faction in response to the statements made by President Yameen, criticizing Faris’ decision to use PPM flag and represent the Party.

The statement by Maumoon faction said that Faris is a Party Council Member and the figure representing the Party in the Parliament, as well as a key founder member of the Party. The statement went ahead to note he was the only member elected to the Council having won majority votes.

“He is yet to receive any written documentation stating that he had been removed as a member of the Party or wing of the Party. Faris had submitted the claims that he had been removed from the Party to Court,” the statement read.

The statement went on to defend the Parliamentarian, denying that he had acted against Party rules and bylaws. It said MP Faris’ current work was well within his mandate as a Parliamentarian and for the rights of citizens, in line with the instructions of President Maumoon.

It condemned the Government’s actions to paint his work as merely creating chaos, was unfair and designed to create confusion and fear in public. Additionally, the faction said every member of the Party had the right to use the Party’s flag and logo.

The statement further added that Court had not yet reached a decision on the case submitted by Faris. With around six hearings scheduled for the case, the case had not progressed as respondents had failed to attend hearings.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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