K. Male'
25 Mar 2017 | Sat 02:15
Coalition partners
Coalition partners
Coalition agreement
Political parties sign coalition agreement
Maseeh vote will be successful
Agreement signed between MDP, PPM, JP, AP
Parties agree to strive for nationality, autonomy

Major political parties have entered a coalition agreement. The agreement was signed Friday evening by Maldivian Democratic Party, Progressive Party of the Maldives’ President Maumoon’s faction, Jumhooree Party and Adhaalath Party. Under the agreement, the parties will seek to protect the freedom, independence, autonomy and nationality of the Maldives.

The agreement reads as below:

Whereas, the Parties to this Agreement are desirous of having deliberations based on constructive and meaningful dialogue amongst political parties and stakeholders; and of safeguarding the tenets of Islam, independence, sovereignty and nationalism; and of protecting ownership of the land, sea and natural resources belonging to the Country, and of finding a resolution to the political dissent afflicting the Country; and of safeguarding civil and political rights abrogated from citizens; and of ensuring elections held in the Maldives are free and fair in which candidates of political parties choosing are allowed to contest; and of securing freedom for all individuals who have been arrested, under investigation, on trial, or convicted of politically motivated charges; and of preventing corruption and embezzlement within the Government; and of restituting transactions and properties unlawfully seized from citizens by the Government; and of contributing to the cause of nation building and development of society and individuals affecting lasting peace of the Country,

Now therefore, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, President of Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM), Mohamed Nasheed, President of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), Qasim Ibrahim, leader of Jumhooree Party (JP), and Imran Abdullah, President of Adhaalath Party (AP) hereby agrees to work jointly and together in matters agreed to between the said Leaders, both in Parliament and in the political environment in order to achieve the aforementioned objectives.

The Parties hereto sign this Agreement on this 24th Friday, March 2017 to sincerely act upon the terms of this Agreement.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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