K. Male'
24 Mar 2017 | Fri 18:19
From the London terror attack
From the London terror attack
Washington Times
Maldives - UK
Maldives offers condolences over Westminster attack
The President’s Office sent a letter addressed to Prime Minister Theresa May.
The letter condemned the attack, calling it cowardly.
Maldives assured its commitment to fighting terrorism.

The Maldivian government has expressed its sympathy to the United Kingdom over Wednesday's terror attack in London, which killed four people.

The President’s Office sent a letter addressed to Prime Minister Theresa May, in which the government condemned the ‘cowardly acts of violence’.

“We are fully committed to the fight against terrorism and we will continue to work closely with the Government of the United Kingdom and the wider international community in eliminating this global menace” the letter said.

A 52-year-old British citizen had driven a car from Westminster Bridge, through London’s Parliament Square, and into the Palace of Westminster, where he murdered an unarmed police officer.

This is the first terror attack on Britain’s parliamentary grounds since 1979.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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