K. Male'
23 Mar 2017 | Thu 17:55
Senior members of Progressive Party of Maldives, at a press conference.
Senior members of Progressive Party of Maldives, at a press conference.
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Faris Maumoon
PPM contemplating legal action against Faris Maumoon
PPM strongly condemned MP Faris Maumoon appearance at a press conference with members of the opposition alliance, where he used the flag.
PPM accused him of attempting to tarnish its name and defame the nation in public
MP Faris Maumoon is currently spearheading a no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh.

The ruling Progressive Party of Maldives’ (PPM) faction loyal to President Abdulla Yameen has warned MP Faris Maumoon of potential legal action for using the party’s flag in a recent press conference.

In a statement on Wednesday, the party strongly condemned MP Maumoon’s appearance at a press conference with members of the opposition alliance, with each speaker having a flag of their respective party hoisted behind them. 

The party accused him of attempting to tarnish its name and defame the nation in public, adding that Maumoon’s use of the flag in union with those representing ideologies that clashes with that of PPM is unacceptable.

The lawmaker’s name was removed from PPM’s registry at the Elections Commission, citing a Civil Court order which vests administrative rights of the party with President Yameen after a row with his half-brother, former longstanding President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom – also MP Maumoon’s father – which split PPM into two factions and 20 cases filed by members of the party’s council. 

Prior to this, he faced disciplinary action for having violated a party whip-line – where he voted against a government-sponsored amendment to Maldives Tourism Act, which allowed the government to lease lands without bidding. 

He is currently spearheading a no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh, filed on 8th March, with 26 signatures from lawmakers aligned with every political party and an independent member. 
MPs will vote on the motion on Monday. 

The six-point motion accuses speaker Maseeh of ‘refusing to ensure’ equality in parliament, disregarding the rule of law, disrespecting the system of checks and balances, harbouring disregard for procedure, and ‘subverting’ democracy.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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