K. Male'
23 Mar 2017 | Thu 17:23
The flu clinic, opened at Sosunge on the same road as the hospital
The flu clinic, opened at Sosunge on the same road as the hospital
H1N1 Outbreak
ADK Hospital closes flu clinic
108 patients with said symptoms had sought consultation at the hospital after the clinic had closed.
The flu clinic had seen a total of 1,659 patients by Wednesday.
Statistics by the hospital reveal that the largest number of patients were seen last Thursday; a total of 332 patients.

ADK Hospital has closed its flu clinic which was established at Sosunge – on the same road as the hospital – to cater to an influx of patients seeking consultation for influenza and fever.

108 patients with said symptoms had sought consultation at the hospital between Wednesday and Thursday, and one has been admitted. 

The flu clinic had seen a total of 1,659 patients by Wednesday.

Statistics by the hospital reveal that the largest number of patients were seen last Thursday; a total of 332 patients.

In a daily report for Tuesday, which it publiced due to the reported H1N1 outbreak in the country, the hospital noted that 104 people had seen the doctor on Tuesday; 67 males and 37 females. However, none of the patients were admitted at the hospital.

ADK Hospital had established mobile flu clinics as well.

The hospital has also been administering the influenza vaccine for MVR 163, with priority to those more susceptible to influenza infections; including expectant mothers, children, the elderly, cancer patients, those undergoing dialysis, and those with existing respiratory conditions.

ADK Hospital opened up its flu clinic on March 14, a day after the Health Protection Agency revealed the outbreak.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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