K. Male'
23 Mar 2017 | Thu 12:48
Joint press conference held by PPM, MDP, JP, AP
Joint press conference held by PPM, MDP, JP, AP
Azmoon Ahmed
Govt. Watch
Ready for all measures, have a plan B: opposition
Significant pressure, offers, threats to MPs
Do believe the Government will do anything
Fully aware of the unjust actions of Govt.

Parties united in the no-confidence motion on Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh has stated that they were fully prepared for any action the Government might take ahead of the vote, adding that they had a plan B for it as well.

They said this in the press conference held by MDP, JP, AP and PPM’s Maumoon faction, on Wednesday.

Responding to the question posed by Raajje.mv of possible Government retribution in response to the vote on the 27th of this month, the group said they were quite aware of the possible retribution and was working in spite of that.

Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon, representing PPM faction, said this was the current situation and that this was why the no confidence motion must be taken. He said the Government itself was showing why the situation must be changed.

“We’re seeing undue political influence on issues. No Commission, no institution, no Government agency is exempt. Political instructions trump in every place. People don’t believe that there is a free environment to trade. Several MPs are given offers, immense pressure, warnings. 42 is the required amount for the vote. With the will God, we have the support, we will be able to win the vote. But in the next five days, things will happen, whether real or baseless,” Faris said.

Raajje.mv also questioned on a second plan for the issue, Kimbidhoo Constituency MP and former Commissioner of Police Abdullah Riyaz said he believed the Government will do anything, adding that they had a plan B as well.

“We do have a plan B as well. We do believe the Government is willing to do anything. We’re aware of the lengths the Government will go to and we had discussions on this. We trust that truth will always triumph,” Riyaz said.



Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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