K. Male'
21 Jan 2020 | Tue 09:13
Children under six months of age have a high risk of catching the infection
Children under six months of age have a high risk of catching the infection
Getty Images
Measles Outbreak
HPA begins vaccination campaign to administer an extra dose to newborns
Thus far, four have tested positive to measles
The additional dose is required to prevent the risks of measles
Vaccinations will be provided at Maafannu Social Center, Dhamanaveshi, Hulhumalé Hospital and Villimalé Hospital

Health Protection Agency (HPA) has made special arrangements to provide an additional MR dose and screening services for newborns.

Following the recent measles outbreak in the country, HPA revealed that they will be providing vaccination services for an extra dose after the initial two doses of MR and MMR vaccine are completed, for newborns aged four weeks. Two doses are to be given to children aged six to 18 months.

The additional dose comes in order to strengthen the prevention of risks and dangers posed by measles.

These vaccines will be administered to one-month infants from 9am to 5pm at the Social Center in Maafannu-ward of capital city Malé, Dhamanaveshi, Hulhumalé Hospital and Villimalé Hospital from Tuesday onwards.

It has been revealed that although the World Health Organization (WHO) publicly declared the elimination of measles from Maldives during June 2017, the disease resurfaced in the Maldives during early January, with four having tested positive thus far.

While the infectious virus is catching the air, the ministry soon began clinical services in facilities for those who have not gotten the required two doses to acquire vaccination.

Children under six months of age, pregnant women and those with impaired immune system have a high risk of catching the infection, which can cause complications especially in children under five years of age. Some of the complications include pneumonia, croup, acute brain inflammation, inflammation of the middle ear as well as eye ulcers.

While measles is one of the most communicable diseases in the world owing to the fact that it can spread via air, symptoms include fever over 40 degrees Celcius, small white bumps inside the mouth, runny nose, sore throat, inflamed eyes (conjunctivitis), dry coughs and flat, red-colored bumps.

Maldives began vaccination services in 1976, having introduced vaccines for measles during 1983.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Zihnath Hassan