K. Male'
21 Mar 2017 | Tue 06:21
Mohamed Nasheed and Qasim Ibrahim
Mohamed Nasheed and Qasim Ibrahim
Nasheed- Qasim
Nasheed welcomes Qasim’s statements, speaks of unity
Reform work is never easy, says the former President

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has commended Jumhooree Party Leader Qasim Ibrahim’s statements on reform agenda for the nation.

A tweet posted by the former President on Monday, said that he welcomed the statements made by Qasim, adding that we must support each other in the bid to bring reform and change to the nation.

On Sunday night, Qasim Ibrahim stated that if the Members of JP who had defected to ruling PPM would return back to the Party, then the issues facing the nation will vanish. He said the MPs had forgotten their constituents and prioritized the rights of some over the rights of public. Qasim had called on those MPs to return back to the Party.

Prior to this tweet, Nasheed had sent out a message via Ahmed Anwar (Sim) and Shamoon Jaleel (Lucas). In this message, the former President had called on the public to get involved in the national dialogue, adding that though politics was usually dirty, it was necessary in order to fulfil public and national aspirations.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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