K. Male'
16 Mar 2017 | Thu 20:22
Patients outside the Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital's flu clinic
Patients outside the Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital's flu clinic
Mohamed Sharuhaan
H1N1 Outbreak
IGMH's Flu Clinic saw over 1,550 patients
The IGMH's emergency flu clinic, established on Saturday, has seen more than 1,550 thus far - the hospital said.
The hospital announced 1068 patients on Wednesday, amounting to almost 500 more patients within a day.

The Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital’s (IGMH) emergency flu clinic, established on Saturday, has seen more than 1,550 thus far, the hospital said.

126 of these walk-in patients are children.

Hospital officials also said that 48 patients had been admitted – 24 of whom are children, and added that six patients are currently admitted to the hospital itself.

The hospital announced 1068 patients on Wednesday, amounting to almost 500 more patients within a day.

Further, the clinic has prioritized vaccinating those more succeptible to the illness and thus said that 335 pregnant women have been vaccinated.

The flu clinic was moved to Thaajudheen School, down the road from the hospital, and has been treating patients there since Tuesday.

Seven doctors at a time are assigned to the clinic.

The Health Protection Agency on Thursday announced two deaths thus far, and counted 105 patients that have tested positive for the strain.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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