K. Male'
16 Mar 2017 | Thu 07:34
Patients gather to get tested at the H1N1 flu clinic set up at IGMH, by Wednesday evening, over 1,000 patients were treated there
Patients gather to get tested at the H1N1 flu clinic set up at IGMH, by Wednesday evening, over 1,000 patients were treated there
Mohamed Sharuhaan
H1N1 Outbreak
31 new cases of H1N1 reported, total rises to 82
HPA confirmed the spread of H1N1 across the country on Monday
By Monday night, 51 patients had tested positive
Ministry of Health is taking all the necessary measures to deter the spread of the disease: HPA

82 patients have tested positive for H1N1, according to Health Protection Agency (HPA)’s latest statistics.

HPA’s report states that 82 out of 279 patients had tested positive for the respiratory infection.

The disease has been spreading rapidly across the nation, with HPA saying that it was most prevalent in the Malé region.

HPA, in a statement issued on Wednesday, said that the Ministry of Health is taking all the necessary measures to deter the spread of the disease, including establishing flu clinics across the country.

There has been one confirmed death so far, with four patients in critical conditions; two have tested positive for H1N1. Doctors were forced to deliver a pregnant patient’s five-month old fetus as well.

Two children have been admitted at ADK Hospital, but HPA says that both tested negative for the virus.

  • Pregnant women, children, the elderly, and those with existing respiratory conditions are susceptible to manifesting the influenza strain more severely.

Both ADK, and Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) have opened up special flu clinics; with the ADK flu clinic in Sosunge and IGMH clinic in Thaajudheen School.

Less than 12 hours after confirming the spread of the virus across the country, downplaying it to the public saying there was no cause for worry, authorities revealed that the it was increasing rapidly, declaring national alert level at Phase Three.

Academic institutions, including grade schools, colleges, and universities, have been closed to control spreading, with sports' associations postponing all scheduled event.Citizens have been advised to exercise extreme caution and stay away from crowded areas

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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